Old Folks Boogie
Week Thirty-five: Old Folks Boogie
Try and get a rise from an atrophied muscle,
And the nerves in your thigh just quivers and fizzles
So you know that you’re over the hill
When your mind makes a promise that your body can’t fill.
— Little Feat, Old Folks Boogie, from Time Loves a Hero
Aging is like a senior slow-pitch softball league:
Knowing the rules and playing the game are very different things
You remember how to play, and you still want to play, but the schedule of games is not published
You aren’t as good as you once were
You might not be in the starting line-up
“Riding the bench” means at least you get to sit down
Cramping up is expected
You seldom score
Your favorite player isn’t always ready to play
Reaching first base can seem like a home run back in the day
You used to play various positions, but not so much any more
You no longer practice just in case it wears you out for the actual game
You can no longer turn the double play
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