Old Folks Boogie

 Week Thirty-five: Old Folks Boogie

Try and get a rise from an atrophied muscle,

And the nerves in your thigh just quivers and fizzles

So you know that you’re over the hill

When your mind makes a promise that your body can’t fill.

— Little Feat, Old Folks Boogie, from Time Loves a Hero

Aging is like a senior slow-pitch softball league:

  • Knowing the rules and playing the game are very different things

  • You remember how to play, and you still want to play, but the schedule of games is not published

  • You aren’t as good as you once were

  • You might not be in the starting line-up

  •  “Riding the bench” means at least you get to sit down

  • Cramping up is expected

  • You seldom score

  • Your favorite player isn’t always ready to play

  • Reaching first base can seem like a home run back in the day

  • You used to play various positions, but not so much any more

  • You no longer practice just in case it wears you out for the actual game

  • You can no longer turn the double play



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